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  • in reply to: Auto Update #26297
    Clap Trapp

    Braaaa – any news on some progress? Desperately needed! I offered to help but got no reply.

    in reply to: Auto Update #26098
    Clap Trapp

    gpltimes seem to have it pretty well nailed. If GPLDL could match gpltimes, I would be keen to contribute further.

    in reply to: free/premium/donation??? #26097
    Clap Trapp

    Some people are super ungrateful! Jeez. Personally, I would love to thank “7h3h” for putting in the time and effort to help us out. I do wish a couple of things: 1) there was a way to donate through other means (buymeacoffee?) 2) GPLDL could get the automated updater working like gpltimes.

    in reply to: Free membership/donations #25214
    Clap Trapp

    Hello @7h3h Keymaster

    Does the donation mean that all the plugins are up to date? I notice quite a few are 2 or 3 versions behind. Just sayin.

    in reply to: Auto Update #25181
    Clap Trapp

    Some others to copy ( ahem, I mean of course, to examine )

    – gplzone . com / automatic – updates /
    – gplkit . com / support /

    in reply to: Auto Update #25180
    Clap Trapp

    I am happy to be part of dev team.

    in reply to: MiniOrangeSSO #23908
    Clap Trapp

    don’t go anywhere near that company, bunch of crooks and obfuscate code

    in reply to: Plugins and Themes are really clean and safe? #23719
    Clap Trapp

    I’ve never had any issues.

    You can also check zip downloads by dropping them in at

    in reply to: Auto Update #23060
    Clap Trapp

    I can contribute help with any testing / basic stuff but I am not really an advanced coder enough to run the project. I have sometimes used people per hour for finding coder etc – maybe it’s possible to put it out there as a project & pay someone to do it, then charge a fee for it when up and running?

    in reply to: Please Update YITH Plugins #22992
    Clap Trapp

    There appears to be a lot of plugins that are way out of date….. including the woocommerce ones….

    keymaster could you give us an update ?

    in reply to: Update #22599
    Clap Trapp

    1) Find the plugin you need and download to your computer
    2) Upload to your site using FTP or via the plugin page on WP admin > plugins
    3) Done !

    Settings for existing plugins should be retained, but it’s good practice to backup your database and files first. You can research best backup softwares, I like updraft plus because you can backup (and reinstall if you need to) to Dropbox etc….

    Good luck!

    Clap Trapp


    in reply to: Auto Update #22581
    Clap Trapp


    in reply to: Auto Update #22400
    Clap Trapp

    + 1 for this and following ;-)

    GPL Kit offer this and so too does Nobuna, but both are restrictive.

    in reply to: Previous versions? #22177
    Clap Trapp

    Also this one has API for automatic updates gplkit . com

    in reply to: Hot to get notification of available woocommerce updates? #22176
    Clap Trapp

    Here is another one with an API to deliver automatic updates gplkit . com

    Can you please look into making this available for us?

    in reply to: Hot to get notification of available woocommerce updates? #22175
    Clap Trapp

    Hi people

    I came across this site: gplzone . com / automatic – updates /

    Is this something that could be implemented on this site? I would hate to move sites…. but automatic updates are pretty amazing feature!

    in reply to: Previous versions? #22099
    Clap Trapp

    Hi Keymaster

    Good to hear about the rewrite…. please can you somehow consider this (remove the spaces) / product / nobuna-automatic-upgrades

    in reply to: Hot to get notification of available woocommerce updates? #21863
    Clap Trapp

    Just to update my own post- i discovered and the chrome add on app that allows you to track the changelog changes…. highly recommended!

    in reply to: GPLDL Content Safety #21862
    Clap Trapp

    @BA and other HATERS – please go somewhere else and let us enjoy our GPLDL – I think this service is fantastic – thanks HEAPS @7h3h keymaster – I am your loyal donor and supporter. I appreciate the hard work that’s gone into this site and keeping it spam free and keeping the downloads clean.

    Personally, I don’t care where the software is retrieved from, so long as it is is :

    1) Clean of any bullshit and safe to use
    2) Not illegally obtained
    3) Regularly updated

    Thanks for being a decent human and providing a good service to us fellow GPL fans. Much appreciated and please – ignore the haters.

    in reply to: Premium Subscriptions (Donations) Trials or Discounts? #21859
    Clap Trapp

    WTF? Don’t be so tight!! These guys have invested huge amount of time and energy to bring this service to you. You should be happy to go for premium…. trust me it’s worth it! It’s small consideration given the amount of software available…. just do it and don’t be offensive over $5 !!

    Clap Trapp

    If you want to still go with API v2 – I believe you have to visit this page and follow the instructions to sign up fr a new app / api access – there seems to be a lot of hoops to jump through before you can get a client ID and access token…… if you find an easier way – please advise because I also need this.

    Clap Trapp

    You have to actually contact NZ Post to request API key access – they require a corporate account code or something….. tis very odd indeed and very bureaucratic / controlled.

    Just roll back to previous plugin version 1 of API = it still works fine until NZ post disables it (2020)

    in reply to: Newest Gravity Form Plugin Malware Warning #20664
    Clap Trapp

    Exactly where is this virus supposed to be located in the folder? I have version 2.4.1 and there was nothing found.

    in reply to: google calendar sync with woocommerce bookings #20330
    Clap Trapp

    Anyone know ?

    in reply to: UpdraftPlus Premium #20227
    Clap Trapp

    Have you tried logging into the server e.g. cpanel file manager or whatever server admin panel you have, then delete the files from there? Also if you have a db backup, you could try reinstalling that too, then trying again ensuring you upload all files to the correct place (I use FileZilla as it’s very reliable).

    If you don’t have a DB backup (first qstn is why? you should always have regular backups!) maybe take a look in the DB to see if there are any updraft entries you can delete – but that is more tricky and you can damage the DB so be careful!

    in reply to: Automate Woo #19898
    Clap Trapp

    Yes please + 1 for Automate Woo

    in reply to: WP Courseware #19897
    Clap Trapp

    Yes, please +1 for WP Courseware

    in reply to: Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress #19784
    Clap Trapp

    WP Bakery – I had this plugin bundled into a now “defunkt” theme.

    I need the visual composer plugin as all the pages were built with that – but looks like I need to buy visual composer (now called WP Bakery or somthng).

    Anyone know a better way?

    in reply to: Woocommerce Subscriptions update #19638
    Clap Trapp

    You should not lose subscription infos when deleting the files, as the settings and data are contained in the database. However, it’s always good practice to ensure you make a backup of DB first, then you can reload DB if there is any issue after update of files.

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