The GPLDL Premium WordPress Plugins Repository currently counts 1872 downloads.
GPLDL provides free downloads of Premium WordPress Plugins from all leading WordPress Developers like CSSIgniter, Envato/Codecanyon, Elegant Themes (Divi, Extra, Divi Builder) Graph Paper Press (Sell Media & Adens), iThemes (BackupBuddy, iThemes Security), Modern Tribe (The Events Calendar), Obox, Rocket Genius (Gravity Forms & Addons), Soflyy (WP All Export Pro, WP All Import Pro) Themify (Themify Builder, Themify Post Type Builder), WooThemes (Sensei LMS, Storefront), WordPress Multilingual & Addons, WPMUDEV, YITHEMES, Yoast (WordPress SEO) including regular updates when they become available.
All WordPress Plugins at GPLDL are true originals (no modifications, not nulled, no malware) obtained from the respective developers and are redistributed legally under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
To download from the GPLDL WordPress Themes Repository for free, you need to have a GPLDL membership and you need to be signed in.