Clap Trapp,
DON’T BE SO FAST TO JUDGE BUDDY! I am living with CANCER and tons of other health problems, one of my medications alone costs $600.00 per month, I have over $3,000.00 going out per month for medications and medical treatments. Until you’ve walked in someone else’s shoes and know what they are going through, you might want to consider the words you use. I am VERY FAR FROM TIGHT, I just do not have tons of funds that I can just toss out there for things. I’d give anyone the shirt right off my back and give them anything in this world that would help them. For some of us, like myself, living with terminal illnesses and huge medical bills and huge medication costs monthly, sometimes we do not have $15 per month to donate. I am NOT being greedy and am not greedy and am NOT TIGHT EITHER. So maybe you should watch your WTF DON’T BE GREEDY COMMENTS, JERK!