First of all: we highly appreciate your effort to check GPLDL for any bugs, inconsistencies or errors. We are all human and there always may be a glitch no matter how hard we try to avoid it.
Regarding your question about the listing: We decided some time ago to list the “Special Gifts” also in the standard sections. E.g. all of the WordPress Plugins from the Special Gifts Section are also listed in the Premium WordPress Plugins Section. We did so, because we wanted to create more awareness about what is available in the Special Gifts Section and because some users who made a donation were wondering why some things can only be found in the Special Gifts section and other things in the Premium WordPress Section.
That does not mean, that everything can be downloaded by every standard user. We (unfortunately) still have to keep some things in the Special Gifts Section to encourage donations and to keep the show going.
Hope that clarifies. Sorry for the late response.