This is the biggest GPLDL Update ever!
Lots of Premium WordPress & WooCommerce items have been updated to ensure WordPress 4.3 (Billie) & WooCommerce 2.4 compatibility and to address bug fixes - stay current, stay safe, update now!
There are currently 702 Premium WordPress Items in the GPLDL Repository:
296 Premium WordPress Themes,
189 Premium WordPress Plugins,
57 Premium WooCommerce Themes,
160 Premium WooCommerce Extensions.
Latest Updates:
AppThemes HireBee WordPress Theme 1.3.2
AppThemes Vantage WordPress Theme 3.0.2
Elmastudio Black Walnut WordPress Theme 1.0.2
Elmastudio Cocoa WordPress Theme 1.0.3
Elmastudio Dorayaki WordPress Theme 1.0.3
Elmastudio Kioremoana WordPress Theme 1.0.3
Elmastudio Moka WordPress Theme 1.1.3
Elmastudio Namba WordPress Theme 1.1.1
Elmastudio Ponsonby WordPress Theme 1.1.1
Elmastudio Zuki WordPress Theme 1.1.3
Themify Bizco WordPress Theme 1.7.8
Themify Corporate WordPress Theme 1.2.2
Themify Elegant WordPress Theme 1.1.0
Themify Event WordPress Theme 1.3.4
Themify Flat WordPress Theme 2.3.3
Themify Fullpane WordPress Theme 1.4.8
Themify Fullscreen WordPress Theme 1.5.6
Themify Landing WordPress Theme 1.0.8
Themify Magazine WordPress Theme 1.4.8
Themify Metro WordPress Theme 1.7.4
Themify Music WordPress Theme 1.3.2
Themify Parallax WordPress Theme 1.8.6
Themify Pinboard WordPress Theme 2.7.0
Themify Simfo WordPress Theme 1.5.7
Themify Stack WordPress Theme 1.1.1
Themify Ultra WordPress Theme 1.0.8
Themify Wumblr WordPress Theme 1.8.2
iThemes BackupBuddy WordPress Plugin
Rocket Genius Gravity Forms User Registration Addon 2.4
Rocket Genius Gravity Forms Zapier Addon 1.8
WPMU DEV New Blog Templates WordPress Plugin 2.7.8
WPMU DEV Subscribe by Email WordPress Plugin 3.4.3
WPMU DEV Ultimate Branding WordPress Plugin
Themify Flatshop WooCommerce Theme 1.5.8
Themify Pinshop WooCommerce Theme 1.8.6
WooThemes Argentum WooCommerce Theme 1.8.2
WooThemes Maximize WooCommerce Theme 1.3.10
WooThemes SMPL WooCommerce Theme 1.4.3
WooThemes Catalog Visibility Options WooCommerce Extension 2.6.7
WooThemes Conditional Shipping and Payments WooCommerce Extension 1.1.7
WooThemes Cost of Goods WooCommerce Extension 1.9.0
WooThemes Currency Converter Widget WooCommerce Extension 1.4.1
WooThemes Dynamic Pricing WooCommerce Extension 2.10.5
WooThemes Product Reviews Pro WooCommerce Extension 1.2.0
WooThemes Product Search WooCommerce Extension 1.4.1
WooThemes Product Vendors WooCommerce Extension 1.2.2
WooThemes Returns and Warranty Requests WooCommerce Extension 1.6.6
WooThemes Smart Coupons WooCommerce Extension 3.0.4
WooThemes Store Credit WooCommerce Extension 2.1.4
WooThemes Tab Manager WooCommerce Extension 1.3.1
Latest Additions:
Dessign Display Responsive WordPress Theme 2.0
Dessign Slider Scroll Responsive WordPress Theme 2.0
Dessign Slide Media Responsive WordPress Theme 2.0
Dessign Studio Mag Responsive WordPress Theme 2.0
Hipster Theme Dreamer WordPress Theme 1.2.0
Themify Blogfolio WordPress Theme 2.7.8
Themify Bloggie WordPress Theme 1.7.9
Themify Bold WordPress Theme 1.5.1
Themify Edmin WordPress Theme 1.7.1
Themify Elemin WordPress Theme 1.7.4
Themify Folo WordPress Theme 1.7.0
Themify Funki WordPress Theme 1.7.3
Themify Grido WordPress Theme 1.6.0
Themify Minblr WordPress Theme 1.7.1
Themify Newsy WordPress Theme 1.7.0
Themify Notes WordPress Theme 1.4.4
Themify Phototouch WordPress Theme 1.5.2
Themify Postline WordPress Theme 1.5.9
Themify Responz WordPress Theme 1.5.1
Themify Rezo WordPress Theme 1.7.0
Themify Sidepane WordPress Theme 1.7.1
Themify Slide WordPress Theme 1.4.9
Themify Suco WordPress Theme 1.7.0
Themify Themin WordPress Theme 1.8.6
Themify Tisa WordPress Theme 1.6.1
Themify Wigi WordPress Theme 1.7.4
Themify Minshop WooCommerce Theme 1.8.1
Themify Shopdock WooCommerce Theme 1.8.2
Themify Shopo WooCommerce Theme 1.8.2
WooThemes Groups for WooCommerce WooCommerce Extension 1.8.2
Please log in with your GPLDL-Account to download the latest Updates & Additions.
If you do not have a GPLDL-Account yet, you can register here.