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  • in reply to: Gravity Forms Requesting Key #20490
    Yossy P Setiadi


    So I’d like here to summarize working method to remove all the gravityforms nag.

    1. Install the plugin, but don’t activate it.. yet.
    2. Add this code to your ‘functions.php’ (better if using child-theme)

    function remove_gravity_forms_nag() {
    	update_option( 'rg_gforms_message', '' );
    	remove_action( 'after_plugin_row_gravityforms/gravityforms.php', array( 'GFForms', 'plugin_row' ) );
    add_action( 'admin_init', 'remove_gravity_forms_nag' );

    3. Edit file ‘gravityforms.php’ (root of the plugin file) on line 1763 as per-version 2.3.5, and change the code below:

    echo '</tr><tr class="plugin-update-tr"><td colspan="3" class="plugin-update">' . $new_version . sprintf( esc_html__( '%sRegister%s your copy of Gravity Forms to receive access to automatic upgrades and support. Need a license key? %sPurchase one now%s.', 'gravityforms' ), '', '', '', '' ) . '</td>';

    to this (basicly just delete everything between quotes) :

    echo ' ';

    4. Activate the plugin
    5. Just click “Next” on the license activation page (Don’t Input Any License Key) and check “I understand the risks” and continue to click “Next” until you set “currency”.
    6. Done!

    Hope it helps.. ‘cos it works for me.. huehuehue..

    in reply to: New Storefront Powerpack #19330
    Yossy P Setiadi

    Huge thanks! It is now available.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you!

    in reply to: Suggestion: "WooCommerce Box Office" #18485
    Yossy P Setiadi


    in reply to: New Storefront Powerpack #18201
    Yossy P Setiadi

    plus +1

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