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Gosser method worked perfectly, pasted it again below:
Gosser: Hello, actually it is very simple
Simply go to all the YITH plugins that you have installed, even the free ones.
Everyone has the file to modify in the following route (as already mentioned):
Yith plugin that we want to modify » plugin-fw » license » lib » yit-plugin-license.php
Now, this is the particularity that has changed. The code to look for now is no longer in a single line, they have put it in several:
We search for the phrase: / ** @since 3.0.0 * /
Just below is the code separated into three lines:
add_action (‘admin_notices’, function () {
$ this-> activate_license_notice ();
}, fifteen );
We simply put a couple of “oblique lines” in front of each one of them, thus remaining.
//add_action( ‘admin_notices’, function () {
// $this->activate_license_notice();
//}, 15 );
We save the changes and upload it again to the server.
;) It works … Without a doubt.
Excuse me Googlenglish.