The latest usage data from W3Techs shows that 23,2 Percent of all Websites worldwide are using WordPress (as of November 8th, 2014).
Surprisingly only 62% use a Content Management System at all, which suggests that 38% of all Websites have not adopted any of the most popular Content Management Systems yet or are built on proprietary code.
Out of the 62% of websites using a Content Management System, WordPress captures a dominant position with a market share of 61,1%.
WordPress is followed by Joomla (7,8%), Drupal (5,1%), Blogger (2,8%), Magento (2,7%) and Typo3 (1,6%).
The remaining 18,9% are divided up in extremely small percentages and even fractions of percentages by a few hundred smaller Content Management Systems such as PrestaShop, vBulletin, Bitrix and others.
Although these statistics only provide a momentary look at how CMS market shares are distributed, it clearly shows how popular WordPress has become in recent years.
The variety of Websites that can be built with all sorts of WordPress Themes and WordPress Plugins is endless. Even whole Ecommerce Sites can be built on top of WordPress with the help of WooCommerce, WooCommerce Extensions and WooCommerce Themes.
Are you looking for ways to extend your WordPress based Website?
Have a look at our Premium WordPress Items Repository.