Hi Mads
Thanks for posting your concerns.
I totally agree. I also feel tricked into the so-called “Free” membership to then learn there is a compulsory monthly, bi-annual or annual subscription that is called a “Donation”.
This is a “.com” website, but the owners claim that the website is not-for-profit, funded by these so-called donations.
Of course, when I first read about the “Free” membership, I thought “is this too good to be true?” and remembered the sage advice saying “if it looks too good to be true it probably IS too good to be true”.
In summary, we HAVE been tricked into believing that “Free” membership will give us “full access to the GPLDL WordPress Repository” and that compulsory subscriptions are somehow not subscriptions because they are called Donations.
Is the stance that “GPLDL is a not-for-profit website backed by donations” (as per their donations page) just a load of posturing? The jury is still out on this one, but I’m sure feeling skeptical. I’m starting to think this is just a novel marketing approach aimed at profit-making. But I ask the website owners to please forgive me if I’m wrong.