If you comment was directed toward me, walk in my shoes for a while, then tell me what you can afford and can’t. What does it hurt to ask for a free trial or discounted trial or something similar? It doesn’t hurt, period. Keep rude comments to self. I asked the STAFF & OWNERS OF THIS SITE, NOT MEMBERS FOR THEIR RUDE COMMENTS, so do keep them to yourself. Apparently some of you were not taught if you have nothing nice to say, keep your mouth SHUT and quite obviously, none of you have ever had cancer or another terminal illness, the medical bills I have, medication costs I have plus all of my other bills, food and etc and until you do, your comments are meaningless. Try to have some compassion and next time, perhaps see if there’s a reason someone may need something like what I asked for before jumping the gun and being rude. There’s nothing wrong with my “mentality” but seems others here have mental problems!
I am extremely sorry if this offended anyone but people need to learn respect and stop automatically assuming that I am just greedy or tight because that’s not the case. Although, I go through what I am going through, my partner and I donate to SEVERAL CHARITIES EVERY MONTH including ASPCA, ST. JUDES, MARY BABB RANDOLPH CANCER CENTER AND OTHERS, so greed is not in my blood or in me period!