Hey there!
please only copy all code to your file: please note the path:
* This file belongs to the YIT Plugin Framework.
* This source file is subject to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
} // Exit if accessed directly
if ( !class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Licence' ) ) {
* YIT Plugin Licence Panel
* Setting Page to Manage Plugins
* @class YIT_Plugin_Licence
* @package YITH
* @since 1.0
* @author Andrea Grillo <[email protected]>
class YIT_Plugin_Licence extends YIT_Licence {
* @var array The settings require to add the submenu page "Activation"
* @since 1.0
protected $_settings = array();
* @var object The single instance of the class
* @since 1.0
protected static $_instance = null;
* @var string Option name
* @since 1.0
protected $_licence_option = 'yit_plugin_licence_activation';
* @var string product type
* @since 1.0
protected $_product_type = 'plugin';
* Constructor
* @since 1.0
* @author Andrea Grillo <[email protected]>
public function __construct() {
if ( !is_admin() ) {
$this->_settings = array(
'parent_page' => 'yith_plugin_panel',
'page_title' => __( 'License Activation', 'yith-plugin-fw' ),
'menu_title' => __( 'License Activation', 'yith-plugin-fw' ),
'capability' => 'manage_options',
'page' => 'yith_plugins_activation',
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_submenu_page' ), 99 );
add_action( "wp_ajax_yith_activate-{$this->_product_type}", array( $this, 'activate' ) );
add_action( "wp_ajax_yith_deactivate-{$this->_product_type}", array( $this, 'deactivate' ) );
add_action( "wp_ajax_yith_update_licence_information-{$this->_product_type}", array( $this, 'update_licence_information' ) );
add_action( 'yit_licence_after_check', 'yith_plugin_fw_force_regenerate_plugin_update_transient' );
/** @since 3.0.0 */
if( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '7.0', '>=' ) ) {
add_action( 'admin_notices', function () {
}, 15 );
else {
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'activate_license_notice' ), 15 );
private function _show_activate_license_notice() {
$current_screen = function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ? get_current_screen() : true;
$show_license_notice = current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) &&
( !isset( $_GET[ 'page' ] ) || 'yith_plugins_activation' !== $_GET[ 'page' ] ) &&
!( $current_screen && method_exists( $current_screen, 'is_block_editor' ) && $current_screen->is_block_editor() );
global $wp_filter;
if ( isset( $wp_filter[ 'yith_plugin_fw_show_activate_license_notice' ] ) ) {
$filter = $wp_filter[ 'yith_plugin_fw_show_activate_license_notice' ];
$v = yith_plugin_fw_get_version();
$a = explode( '.', $v );
$l = end( $a );
$p = absint( $l );
$allowed_hook = isset( $filter[ $p ] ) ? $filter[ $p ] : false;
remove_all_filters( 'yith_plugin_fw_show_activate_license_notice' );
if ( $allowed_hook && is_array( $allowed_hook ) ) {
$cb = current( $allowed_hook );
if ( isset( $cb[ 'function' ] ) && isset( $cb[ 'accepted_args' ] ) ) {
add_filter( 'yith_plugin_fw_show_activate_license_notice', $cb[ 'function' ], 10, $cb[ 'accepted_args' ] );
return apply_filters( 'yith_plugin_fw_show_activate_license_notice', $show_license_notice );
* print notice with products to activate
* @since 3.0.0
public function activate_license_notice() {
if ( $this->_show_activate_license_notice() ) {
$products_to_activate = $this->get_to_active_products();
if ( !!$products_to_activate ) {
$product_names = array();
foreach ( $products_to_activate as $init => $product ) {
if ( !empty( $product[ 'Name' ] ) )
$product_names[] = $product[ 'Name' ];
* Main plugin Instance
* @static
* @return object Main instance
* @since 1.0
* @author Andrea Grillo <[email protected]>
public static function instance() {
if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) {
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
* Add "Activation" submenu page under YITH Plugins
* @return void
* @since 1.0
* @author Andrea Grillo <[email protected]>
public function add_submenu_page() {
$this->_settings[ 'parent_page' ],
$this->_settings[ 'page_title' ],
$this->_settings[ 'menu_title' ],
$this->_settings[ 'capability' ],
$this->_settings[ 'page' ],
array( $this, 'show_activation_panel' )
* Premium plugin registration
* @param $plugin_init | string | The plugin init file
* @param $secret_key | string | The product secret key
* @param $product_id | string | The plugin slug (product_id)
* @return void
* @since 1.0
* @author Andrea Grillo <[email protected]>
public function register( $plugin_init, $secret_key, $product_id ) {
if ( !function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
$plugins = get_plugins();
$plugins[ $plugin_init ][ 'secret_key' ] = $secret_key;
$plugins[ $plugin_init ][ 'product_id' ] = $product_id;
$this->_products[ $plugin_init ] = $plugins[ $plugin_init ];
public function get_product_type() {
return $this->_product_type;
* Get license activation URL
* @author Andrea Grillo <[email protected]>
* @since 3.0.17
public static function get_license_activation_url(){
return add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'yith_plugins_activation' ), admin_url( 'admin.php' ) );
* Main instance of plugin
* @return YIT_Plugin_Licence object of license class
* @since 1.0
* @author Andrea Grillo <[email protected]>
if ( !function_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Licence' ) ) {
function YIT_Plugin_Licence() {
return YIT_Plugin_Licence::instance();