Below are the steps I went through to create a “nulled version” of Elementor Pro. Please note that this may not be the best way to do this, so let me know if you have a better solution. Also, the premium Elementor Library templates WILL NOT WORK, because the data for the templates are fetched from the Elementor API, which requires a valid license code to return the template data.
Locate the elementor-pro directory for your installation. If you have just downloaded the zip file, you can make the following edits, rezip the folder, and then upload/activate the new zip in your WordPress installation of choice. If you have already installed the unmodified plugin, you can edit the files in the wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/ directory.
Find this block of code in the file license/api.php file:
public static function get_license_data( $force_request = false ) {
$license_data = get_transient( 'elementor_pro_license_data' );
if ( false === $license_data || $force_request ) {
$body_args = [
'edd_action' => 'check_license',
'license' => Admin::get_license_key(),
$license_data = self::remote_post( $body_args );
if ( is_wp_error( $license_data ) ) {
$license_data = [
'license' => 'http_error',
'payment_id' => '0',
'license_limit' => '0',
'site_count' => '0',
'activations_left' => '0',
self::set_license_data( $license_data, 30 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );
} else {
self::set_license_data( $license_data );
return $license_data;
Replace the code with this:
public static function get_license_data( $force_request = false ) {
return $license_data = [
'license' => Admin::get_license_key(),
'payment_id' => '0',
'license_limit' => '100',
'site_count' => '100',
'activations_left' => '100',
Find this block of code in the file license/admin.php:
public static function get_license_key() {
return trim( get_option( 'elementor_pro_license_key' ) );
Replace with this code:
public static function get_license_key() {
return 'fb351f05958872E193feb37a505a84be';
You can actually replace that string above with anything you want, because none of them are valid codes, but your local installation doesn’t know that.
And…..that’s it! Make sure to upload the modified plugin or reload you admin dashboard. If you go to <your installation url here>/wp-admin/admin.php?page=elementor-license, the page should show Status: Active.